About the Author:

From a young age J.C. Lafler always wanted to write, but she ended up in a government career that lasted almost thirty-two years. Now she spends her days writing about faith in God and enjoys puzzles, painting and traveling. She and her husband, David, have six children and nine grandchildren. They live in Portage, Michigan and winter in Missouri City, Texas. Her novels include Lost and Found, Amazing Grace, Hope Everlasting, Leap of Faith, Finding Joy, and Love Never Fails. Love—What’s God got to do with it? is J.C.’s seventh novel with Redemption Press.

Lost and Found:

A story of faith, love and survival. People don’t understand the impact that a simple act of kindness can have on someone’s life. We have become a nation afraid to see another in need and respond. In addition, young people are afraid to trust and believe in faith in God. In Lost and Found, author J.C. Lafler tells the story of a young boy who finds himself in a big city with no memory and no one to help him. Struggling to find food, water and shelter, and deal with unfamiliar and sometimes frightening surroundings, this child has to find a way to survive. As flashbacks and question about the past begin to overwhelm him, he leans on the sanctuary of a church and the help of strangers to see him through. Lost and Found is one boy’s story of finding his way back to faith, hope and love.

Amazing Grace

In our fast-paced society, it is easy to end up in situations that are beyond our control. Children, especially, are often left to fend for themselves without proper guidance or necessities. In Amazing Grace, author J.C. Lafler tells the story of a group of young girls who find themselves in an un-loving environment. The oldest girl, eleven-year-old Sarah, takes the lead role in caring for the girls and teaching them about life and faith. A baby left on their doorstep adds additional strain to an already difficult situation, but brings the girls a sense of purpose and togetherness. With the help of her childhood Bible, and fading memories of parents who taught her that faith can get you through most situations, Sarah teaches the girls that belief in God and His resulting grace can overcome almost anything, including an extremely mean and critical guardian. Amazing Grace is a story of faith, forgiveness and discovering love in the most unlikely of places.

Hope Everlasting

A young runaway struggles with feelings of guilt, abandonment and worthlessness. Vaguely remembering his mother’s belief that “God is with us and there is always hope,” he tries to make his way on his own. When a horrible experience in a foster home leaves him with no other option, he becomes a runaway and moves to a different state. After meeting another runaway who has an infant daughter, he develops a friendship and helps to care for them. When she disappears leaving him with the infant, he feels the weight of the world on his shoulders. With no job and no means of caring for the baby, he leaves her on the steps of a home for girls, praying that she will be cared for. Penniless and lost, he continues his search for a job and a place to stay. As the last glimmer of hope seems to be disappearing, he comes across a small farm where he finds not only a job and a place to stay but eventually a loving family and permanent home. Hope Everlasting is a story about the amazing possibilities that exist when we turn to God and truly believe in His desire to give us a future and a hope.

A Leap of Faith

After the horror of seeing her mother and stepfather swept away by a hurricane, sixteen-year-old Courtney finds herself alone in the floodwaters. Discovering a small boat, she escapes the treacherous currents but is drawn to another object floating in the debris: an infant seat. And within it, a baby girl, miraculously alive. At last, she and baby are found by a rescue team, but Courtney’s story of survival has just begun. Discovering her step-father (a man with a dangerous past) has survived, and is searching for her, she goes from shelter to shelter trying to find a way to protect herself and the child. As danger looms and her faith grows, she discovers that God’s plan may require her to take a giant leap of faith. 

Finding Joy

“No matter what complications life throws your way, search until you find something to be joyful for.” Elisabeth Davis has lived by these words for most of her eighty years. Through good times and bad, this mindset has served her well, and she hopes and prays that her grandchildren will carry this sentiment forward when she is gone. But Max has heard his grandmother say this so many times, he is almost oblivious. And while he understands her point, putting it into action is not always easy. When his girlfriend demands he make a choice between her and his best friend—in the same week his grandmother has a stroke!—Max struggles to find joy anywhere. He is forced to reexamine his life, his relationships, and even his faith in this heartwarming story of coming of age and leaving a lasting legacy. But her grandson, Max, has heard it so many times he is oblivious. When his girlfriend demands he choose between her and his best friend—the same week his grandmother has a stroke—he struggles to find joy anywhere. He is forced to reexamine his life, his relationships, and even his faith, in this heartwarming story of coming of age and leaving a lasting legacy. 

Love Never Fails

Have you ever felt alone in the world or been afraid to go to sleep in your own home? In Love Never Fails, Bella Roberts experiences both, and for good reason. After her mother dies in a hit-and-run, eight-year-old Bella goes to live with her aunt and uncle, who try to show her that love and faith can conquer any fear. She blossoms under their care, but when they also pass away, Bella is crushed. She has no one to turn to now except for her best friend, who has a growing family of her own. A rude confrontation at work makes her second-guess her purpose in life until she discovers an abandoned puppy, who becomes her constant companion. But her fears escalate again when someone plays a horrible prank leaving her feeling watched and afraid. Though she clings to the Scriptures she learned with her aunt and uncle, an unknown relative who suddenly appears out of the blue, a kidnapping that throws her into the nightmares of her past, and the confusion and danger that surround her and her pup make her doubt everything about her life. Will her faith be strong enough to get her through and help her find love again?

Love—What’s God got to do with it?

Book 4 in Proposals Gone Awry Set

Abbigail Stanton lives in the picturesque town of Ashville, North Carolina and is well on her way to a successful career as a fitness trainer. She enjoys spending time with her mom, who lives in nearby Charlotte, but still misses her father who died of cancer when she was a teenager. Her and her parents called themselves The Three Musketeers and did everything together.

Still, when she meets Luke, a local accountant who has taken over his father’s well-known accounting business, she thinks she has finally met the man of her dreams. Luke tells her he feels the same and, as they get to know each other, their love seems meant to be.

There is just one thing that stands between them and their happily ever after. Abby has turned her back on God because she believes he didn’t give them the miracle she prayed for when her father got cancer. A raspy voice in her head that reminds her of her father’s cancer voice, keeps her believing that God isn’t real.

Luke is a staunch believer and counts on faith in God to get him through life. And he firmly believes that if God brought Abby into his life he will show them the answers they need.

Can two people who believe so differently find their way to true love and a lasting marriage? After three failed proposals, even Luke is starting to wonder.

A book cover with three triplets, a dress, and a car in the background
A book cover with three triplets, a dress, and a car in the background

The Flower Girls

Just Released!

It’s two a.m. on a quiet night at the Sisters of Mercy Hospital in Del Rio, Texas. But when the doors whoosh open, the nurse in charge looks up and her blood runs cold. A young, pregnant woman in a bloody and torn flowered dress hobbles into the emergency room and collapses on the floor. “H-help me…,” she whispers through split, puffy lips. “Please help my babies.”

It’s the worst case of abuse that Detective Dan Baxter has ever seen. The only bright spot in this mysterious murder is that the woman’s babies—each given a flower name in remembrance of the dress their mother wore that night—managed to survive. Lily, Violet and Rose thrive in spite of the violence that took their mama in the early morning hours after their birth. Although the case appears to be unsolvable, Detective Baxter refuses to let it go. As the girls, known by the press as the Texas Flower Girls, are adopted by three separate families and go on to live their lives, Baxter keeps the cold case in his sights. Who kidnapped and tortured the woman, and why?

The Flower Girls is an uplifting story of faith, perseverance, and the ultimate intertwining of four individual lives, brought together out of tragedy. Like the flowers the girls are named for, these young women grow and bloom, proving faith provides strength in the most trying circumstances.

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I want my stage to be an altar

So all the praise goes to the Father

If I get selfish and make this life all about me

Lord please I want my stage to be an altar




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